Tuesday, December 22, 2015

ForGetFuL.. OMG

it has always been said that pregnancy will make you forgetful and absent-minded... oh.. and how true that is...

im really getting more and more forgetful, post-pregnancy

1) left my wallet in the foodcourt. omg. lucky it wasnt during peak hours and there were not many pple at that time. managed to get it back. superrr heng!! i really will faint big time if i lost that wallet. 

2) left my handphone in the office toilet. again, lucky managed to get it back. 

3) forgot to change to heels (in hubb's car) and wore flats to work. 

and the ultimate... 

4) looking for my contact lenses... when all the while..... i had already worn them! and it really wasnt until i decided to reach for my spectacles so that i can see clearer to look for my contact lenses, that i realised i had already worn them! super omg!

5) during gift exchange when the 1st recipient wanna open up the present and i suddenly scream 'wait!!!' cuz i thought we havent taken pictures of the presents, when... we just took!!! OMG! 

i seriously could forget things that happened just a moment ago! 

this is so OMG. 


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