Wednesday, July 22, 2015

LaBouR @ Thomson MedicaL

uh-huh. so rayous baby arrived about 4days earlier than the EDD. the EDD was actually around 15 or 16July, but he arrived on 11July! hoho. win loh. i worked till friday and he came on saturday. no break for me at all! 

as said, we reached hospital at around 530am. the contractions werent very painful initially. i tot i could do without epidural, and i was silently thinking to myself that if i could tahan till 11am, i would most probably succeed in not having epidural. 

who knows... at about 9am.... the pain accelerated and there was a contraction which was sooo damnmmmnnn hell painful, that i knew i cannot take another of such contraction. 

and so... i succumbed to epidural. 

much to my dismay. 

but really. the pain was really madness. i truly sincerely salute to all those who did not use epidural during their course of labour. it's PURE madness. 

ok, succumbing to epidural is not surprising. much as i said i dont want epidural, i knew i would succumbed to it. i just wanna experience the pain before taking the epidural (and yes, it's proven to be ULTRA painful). 

the surprising and unexpected part was - the pushing of the baby out!!! 

the gynae came and checked and said im fully dilated already. before he left, he told the nurse to 'encourage her to push'. in my mind, i was thinking, huh... why need to encourage? just push and the baby will be out, isint it??

all the while, i thought the pushing of baby will be exactly like poo-ing. that's what everybody said. and that's what the nurse said too. but when i pushed like how i poo, the nurse said it wasnt correct! instead of pushing the baby out, im actually sucking him in. she said she could see the head, but the head was sucking back instead of coming out. 


so the method i tot was correct all the while, was in fact wrong at this very crucial moment??? so what's the correct method to push the baby out? i was at a total lost. and though i was on epi, i could still feel the contraction pain. so with each contraction, im supposed to deep breath in, hold my breath and puuuuuushhhhhh. but.. no matter how hard i tried.. the baby just could not come out. 

i was totally demoralised. in pain. tired. breathless. i pushed for like an hour.. but still to no avail.. i was so tired that i was hoping they could just do a c-sect on me and take the baby out.... seriously! 

and then, my gynae came and said since i've pushed for so long and still cmi, he said he'll assist me with the delivery. that means - using vacuum or forceps. which in my case, he used the vacuum.

haii. much as i do not want to use the vacuum, i had no choice. i really could not push him out. im so sorry baby to have to let u go through the suction. =(

and even with the vacuum, it wasnt an easy job. i still had to push (which i really had no idea how). i was super tired and my legs, being in that same position for so long, were super painful too. and at that moment, i regretted not doing the exercises which the pre-natal lessons had taught us. during the lessons, we were told to do certain exercises that will ease the pain in the legs and back during labour. but i din gave a hoot about it, cuz i tot pushing the baby is an easy peasy job and will be done in seconds. o my... how wrong i was!!

anyway, even with the gyane assistance, we took a while. and there was a point in time when the gynae said something like 'we have to deliver the baby this time, we are losing the fetal heartbeat....' i tell u, i almost died from it. 

and finally.. after one last scream and frustration... the baby was out!!!! and it wasnt until i seen him for myself and he started screaming, that i finally heaved a sigh of relief!


i still tot i would cry in tears when he finally came out. but alas, i was too tired and frustrated (from all the unsuccessful tries and the pain..) to cry..

after that was to wait for the placenta to expel out (luckily that did not take long.. i still tot i have to wait for another few hours again!!)... then stitches.. then breastfeed... before im being pushed to the ward. 

finally.... baby's out... really really relieved!!

they will push u to the ward with the baby beside u. that moment was like coming home after a victorious war. really really proud! 


and so, that's my whole labour experience. all were quite within expectations except for the pushing part and the flowing of liquid with each contractions. yes, with each 'big' contractions, i can feel liquid flowing out, dont know isit blood or water. asked hubb to look and he said it's mixture of water and blood. i guess that's the water bag bah. it was quite scary really, cuz u dont know if it was blood flowing or what... and i guess that kidda affected my morale as well.. like losing so much blood like that... 

and the service at TMC, really wasnt as good as i anticipated. quite disappointed, really. 

anyway, im just glad rayous arrived safely and healthily. 

parenthood - here we come! 

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