Monday, July 6, 2015


my feets.... before bloating.. 

my feets... after bloating... ahhhhhhhhhhhh

and the bloat was so bad last friday... that i broke down crying! 

haha.. super emo xia.... yah.. it was just quite scary to see the feets really became one fully bloated bah zhang... =(

and my fingers are also bloated... ring cant fit anymore loh.... 

and my fingers even have problems clenching together.. ahhhhhhhh.... 

checked with some of the ex-preggie ladies and apparently i seemed to had it the worse - what's with the stretched marks... bloated feets... bloated fingers..... 

the only thing i can triumph over should most probably be the fact that i din ballooned too much throughout the process bah. had seen preggie ladies who had really put on alot of weight during their pregnancy.. i think on that note, im still doing fine. 

or least everyone else said so. 

hopefully no one is lying. 


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