Monday, July 27, 2015

ConFineMenT PerioD

uh-huh, no wonder i was told to be careful not to get fat during the confinement period!! 

seriously, i think i din put on much weight during pregnancy. but..... i cant say the same for confinement! 

i've been eating soooo regularly.. and have not been doing much...except breastfeedling! 

having a confinement nanny was as if like having a domestic helper. after makan, just leave everything there and she will clear. need snacks or drinks or fruits, just tell her and she will prepare. she will also help with the household chores like laundry, sweeping the floor, mopping the floor etc. im really like one queen now! woohoo! 

i guess i will seriously miss this will life be after she's gone? ummmmmm... 

anyway, my confinement nanny can cook really well. 

and one of my fav - nutella crepe!! really yummy! kekekeke. i must at least learn this dish from her before she leaves!

knowing that the ingredients are all expensive stuff, i will make an effort to finish them all. so, tell me, how not to be fat huh?! 

the nanny was saying, if can eat, must eat during this crucial period. weight can be lose later on after the confinement period. ha, easier said then done man. if only weight losing is that simple.

anyway, i will enjoy this period while i can. i have engaged her for 40days and today is already the 17days. ahhh.. 

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