Sunday, May 6, 2012

3/11/2011 - Day 6 AliShaN Part I

day 6.. our breakfast at the hotel.

buying train tickets... off to alishan!

train tix to chiayi... at chiayi still gotta take bus ride to alishan. cant remb how long was the bus ride liao.. an hr or two plus, if i remb correctly...

@ chiayi station..

and finally, at alishan! super cold weather!!!!! coupled with my unwell stomach, it really was quite terrible..

our dinner that night... my stomach was still unwell.....

our hotel...

yes, 14 degree celsius.. cold ~~~~~

i didnt expect alishan to be soooo cold. probably also because i was unwell, it felt colder than ever! i practically had to sit next to the warmer in our room in order to keep myself warm. brrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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