Thursday, September 29, 2011

GenTinG Day 2 - 18Sep2011

woohooo.. our 2nd day in genting

complimentary buffet breakfast in the hotel. the hotel has got a superrr big restaurant for breakfast. it's as big as a foodcourt, if not bigger.


choco fondue... :)

check out the mist!!!

and then we spent the next 2hrs at one of the indoor games arcade.. spent quite abit here too...

and the 2 prizes that we won from the arcade. u know.. that kind whereby u play the games, then the tix will come out, and u can collect the tix for prize redemption.. haha.. like 2 small kids..

and then the indoor kiddy rides... i dont know y hubb insisted on having the rides... lack of childhood memories lehh.

steamboat dinner! but not nice de.. limited food variety and not that fresh.. boohoo ~

more kids rides..

on the ferris wheel...

and then we bowled at the super cool alley

neon.. luminous balls... coolz!

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