Sunday, September 25, 2011

GenTinG Day 1 - 17Sep2011

short getaway to genting highland this yr for my birdday. as said, it has been a really long time since we last visited genting.

sat morning, boarding the coach at goldenmile..

on the coach for our 6hr ride to genting. watched the movie - 最强囍事 - on the ride.   

at yong-peng.. the station that we will always stop by when travelling to genting, for meal and toilet breaks.

cute doraemon 铜锣烧 that i bought :)

6hrs sounds like a long ride, but in actual fact, it wasnt that long. time really passes very fast~!!

the view from our hotel room window. we stayed in first world hotel.

our first meal there.

and then we visited the Ripley's Believe It or Not exhibition. some really interesting things that we came across.. try them out. u'll be surprise!

and then, we sat on the world's luckiest chair!!

huat ahhh~!!!

with the tallest man in the world...

the exhibition is really huge. we spent like 2hrs inside.. some of the things are really incredible, so it's really 'believe it or not'.

and then dinner at the hk cafe.. talk about dieting.. haiiii

seriously genting didnt change much from the last time we visited. probably more retail shops, other than that, it's more or less the same.

the bowling alley is the luminious kind. cool. we visited it on day2. stay tuned!

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