Saturday, October 1, 2011

GenTinG Day 3 - 19Sep2011

and so, on the morning of my 26th b-day.

something for a change. no more choco cakes. lol

and my b-day pressie from hubb. wohohohoho :)

can work as a clutch. or as a wristlet. or juz as a pouch. suiiiii

and then was breakfast and pure hanging around before we gotta check out at 12 and catch the coach at 2+


hot sweet potato in the coldness. how niceee

and then spicy fried chix cutlet..

and while waiting for the coach, at the waiting area, they sell super aromatic fried kuay teow!!!!

and finally.. on our way back to sg..

my cute hubbbbb

and the food we had at yong peng.

it was a great trip. short getaway. and, i won S$200+ at the casino :) i guess it's birthday luck huh. poor hubb lose though. lol.

maybe i should try out my luck at RWS or MBS? hiak hiak...

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