Monday, May 30, 2011

HK 2011 DaY III

third day in hk is considered the slackest day.

visited the market near our hotel in the morning. mum was so fascinated with the bigger sizes veggie there.

and then.. the super wrong decision - to board this big bus.

it was a super wrong decision becuz it's soo bloody expensive and not worth it! bascially u can sit on it all day and it will intro the various landmarks along the route. and so, we sat on it for almost like an hour... but i wasnt listening to the introduction at all, as i was busy figuring out how the bus work and where shld we alight etc etc.

and the ride costed abt sgd30 per pax! that's like sgd120 for the 4 of us!! 120... how many taxi rides we could have taken with that money! grrr.. wasted the time and money on this stupid bus. really grrrrr.

munching on a choco beard papa in mtr. and that's my ali baba bag bought at the temple street market. :)

and then we went caught a movie. watched the arron kwok show - c+ detective.

and dinner was steamboat which wasnt all that good. the soup bases were very plain. but the drinks were unlimited and that includes beer. worth it if u are drinking.


back to work again tmr. ultimate s.i.a.n.

can someone save me out of this sily cycle?????

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