Tuesday, May 3, 2011

1 YeaR and 1 Day

today marks the exact 1yr and 1day that i've been with the current dept.

yea. time flies huh.

despite all the complaining, im still there.

to tell the truth, after 1 whole year, the thought of leaving never did leave my mind.

i've been thinking and thinking and thinking... but juz no courage to take that move... yet.

there's nothing good here, except for the fact that i no longer have to come into contact with customers. period.

but if i leave now, wouldnt that be very stupid of me? i've survived, or rather, im still riding through the toughest period where we are really short-handed. but come july, when one comes back from maternity, life will be a breeze then? so y should i quit now that the 'breeze' time is coming?
and, there will be a major re-shuffling in july. y should i leave now and not wait and see if i can benefit in any way from the re-shuffling?

well.. that's me.

always procrastinating and wait and see how and see how and see how..

until im stuck in the same co for coming to 4yrs already.


how much is a kg worth?

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