Friday, May 27, 2011

SicK (LiTeRally)

back to work ytd and was coughing non-stop. night time went see doc again and was told fever 38.3d. and so, today on mc again. haiz.

really feeling terrible. have u tried

1) cough till ur throat hurts and ur stomach hurts as if all the intestines are about to burst out
2) cough till u can feel ur stomach opening up and the next thing is to vomit
3) to tahan and not cough (so as to avoid the pain in point 1) and have ur whole body shiver and tears rolling cuz of the tahan-ing
4) nose block by the wadever mucas that cannot be blow out
5) wanting to say something, but decided not to, lest u cough again and back to point 1
6) non stop coughing action

it's like there's a small ant in the throat.. but however hard u cough, it's still there... my throat hurts and my stomach hurts.. i dont wanna cough anymore!


this is killing me...

i want to GET WELL SOON!!!!!

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