Thursday, March 10, 2011

New ResTauRanT

as said, i'd wanted to try out this new restaurant in plaza sing - Nando's. and so, we went on wed.

apparently their main selling item is chicken meat. in fact, it's all about chicken. and after u've made ur selection on what kind of chicken style u want, u have to choose the spicy level as below..

both hubb and myself went for the hot. kekek.

and if it's still not hot enough, there are sauces for you to add on...

we both went for quarter chicken. get to choose 2 sides. mine was potatoe salad + fries.

his was potatoe skewer + fries

it's seriously quite spicy. u will like it if u like 'heavy flavor'. if u are someone who goes very light on flavour, i dont think this restaurant is for u.

hubb likes the meat, but not the sauces as he thinks that the tastes are weird. for me, i think it's quite okay.. but.. i dont think i will want to visit again. too much of the spices taste and a little on the saltish side.

 our quarter chix + 2 sides is about $11.90 each.


i was away from work on mon, tues and today. as mentioned, away from work here is a very stressful thing because when u are back at work, u have to clear the backlog (cuz no one will cover 100% for u) and handle new stuff all at the same time. so, as far as poss, i will avoid being away from work.

as i always said to my colleagues and myself, the only way to survive here is to keep going.

but.. now is a situation where if i keep going, i will feel imbalance and suffer from the tons of workload. if im away, i still will suffer from the workload, but at least i'll feel more balance.

so if u were me, will u choose to go away?

to think about it, maybe i can understand y mr irritating always mia from work liao. thou i strongly disagree with his mia rates, but the stress and helplessness at work are really driving us mad. and to top it off, we have a super unsupportive LB. like that how?


in anycase, tmr will have to start fresh again. i've managed to shorten the longest working mth from 23days to 20days. enough rest, time to go back to the battlefield and put up a good fight.

what cant kill me will make me stronger.

and i believe positive energy will attract positive happenings.

like what was said in one of the hk series.. that protagonist cant wait for the situation to be at the darkest.. cuz when it's dark dark dark dark darkest, it can only be brightness after that.

i believe all will work out. brightness may not come that soon, but i believe it cant be dark forever.

yes, it cant be dark forever.

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