Monday, March 21, 2011


when the night is calm......

and when the lightning strikes................

was at chinatown juz now when the lightning kept striking. quite a phenomenon when a lightning strikes. and there stood hubb and me trying to capture whenever one comes along. but surprisingly, despite the constant lightning, there wasnt any thunder.

i guess that somewhat describe the feeling i had when i received the B letter today.

juz like a lightning strike. yet i cant make any noise.

it's been a looong time since i felt soooo disappointed. the last time was probably when i failed my driving test.

dont know how to describe the disappointment....

B and increment.... all way below expectation.


such irony.

i guess working is juz like a relationship. never expect u'll get back the same amount of compensation as what u have contributed.

in ex-dept.. things were soooo easy (except having to handle difficult customers)... yet i was paid soo much..

here.. things are tonnes and tonnes and more complicated.. yet im paid shit.

haiii.. dont know wad else to say liao..

kill me somebody.

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