Wednesday, March 10, 2010

BoNus DaY

was informed last week that we will receive the bonus letter this week.

waited on monday.... nothing. then was informed on monday evening that most prob will be tues or latest by wed morning.

woke up on tues morning feeling superrr tired and sianx. and i told myself tt regardless of getting the letter or not, i must take leave on wed. and soo... here im... free to blog.

waited whole day on tues and also nothing.

this morning around 10am+, finally received sms frm colleagues informing me that the letters are out already.


missed out on the hoo-haas of receiving the letters...

heard that it's slightly less than last year's. kind of expected liao... but still quite sian to hear tt it's true. boo~

roughly learnt about the promotion name list also.

i suppose '做久就能升' might not be untrue afterall. if not... how come some pple can get promoted leh? 没眼看.

been really tired and sian these days. and my body is aching all over... can someone tell me why?? i dont suppose it's lack of sleep..... so why? hidden illness???? oww.....

and the jack neo's hoo-haa.. sets me thinking... 难道这真的是天下男人都会犯的错 ??????? 天啊.......

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