Sunday, March 14, 2010

BeiJinG DaY II

everyday started off with breakfast @ hotel, of cux. our 1st hotel was four point sheraton and i suppose it's the best hotel throughout this trip, at least in terms of food.

i remb the 1st breakfast was a disaster cux we did not expect that there'll be soo many pple. basically there wasnt a table for 4 available and we had to split. and as usual, dad being the ever so punctual man, rushed mum throughout the breakfast which resulted in the latter not being able to enjoy the breakfast and nagged nagged nagged for that whole morning.

being punctual and not letting everyone wait is good.. but sometimes, i must admit, dad is really a little on the too guncheong side. and mum... as usual... best at pushing the blame at others and not self... haiiii.....

actually in group trip.. so long we r not the last, or not always the last.. it should still be fine rite? it's quite silly to be on time and wait on the bus while everyone else is still hanging around. but it's also such thinking that causes everyone to be late eventually.. same theory applies for wedding dinners.. ironic isint it?

anyway, after tt 1st morning, we decided to wake up super early for breakfast so tt we will have ample time and 老佛爷 can enjoy her b/f.. *shrug*

~forbidden city~

~2 of our tour mates. happened to realise later that the lady in red also works for uob... but of a much higher rank than me..~

~ i wonder if the little gal was peeping at me... lol~

~if im not wrong, this is the corridor which appear in many hk 宫廷 serials~


~ i seriously think i have a flair in photography. a few pics which i took totally look like postcards.. serious!!~

~where the 皇帝 used to 上朝~

~such vast area.... ~

~with our tour guide~

~road side stall selling candy~

~have told myself tt must take these kind of pics when in china.. haha.. 不枉此行~

~erm.. i cant remb wad is this structure le... but it's a famous structure..~

~ see?? tell me this is not artistic... ~

~dinner at 全聚德.... famous for the roast duck~

~chef with the roast duck.. ~

~yes... these were the amt of food we were being served everyday.... 吃久了怕不怕??~

~ after dinner was to watch shaolin kung show at red theatre~

~instant pop-corn. it's a compact pack and when u want to eat it, juz put into the oven and it will slowly rise to become real popcorn. quite interesting ~

~but not delicious~

~and the show.... is boring. i think i did fell asleep... ~

yep... tt's abt all for day 2... looking back, it's been almost 3mths already! how much faster can time be?

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