Sunday, July 13, 2008

met up with ah min and wl tt day... went ate at sakae sushi @ hfc and after tt dessert at bakerzinn. i think we r simply sinning away at barkerzinn.... the amt of choco and suger we consumed... woowahhh! but it's really super shiok lar. nothing beats eating with pple with the same taste buds.. 正所谓, 话不投机半句多,久逢知己千杯少. lol! after indulging ourselves, went chatting outdoors. chatted till 12am plus.. long long time since we did something like tt. if not for the fact tt still gotta wake up early tmr (and fat boy's constant sms niao-ing me for going hm so late, dammit!), i guess we could have chatted till even later.
ytd did another crazy stunt. went with fat boy to chinatown. went ate the steamboat there. it's tt kind of yuan-yang pot and the 2 soup bases we chose were tom-yum and 麻辣! stunner ~ tom yum is my all-time fave w/o which, steamboating is crap. as for 麻辣, it was hubb's choice as he never tried b4. yummy, no doubt. but the price tt we paid for, besides the $ literally, was this weird feeling in the stomach tt couldnt go away. i think too spicy liao ~ now suffering frm constipation. lol ~
but tt's not the stunt tt we did. after steamboating, we went ktv frm 9pm-3am! ai sey! i've not been to ktv since v-day and there's this craving to sing. actually, the k-lunch package is most worthy, but hubb couldnt make it cuz of his tuition sessions. night singing is super ex, we wanted to forgo de, cuz initially, the deal was from 9-12am. but after seeing our hestitation, the person offered us 9pm-4am. then the 2 carrot-cakes kenna the trap and accepted the deal. and hence we k like mad.... sang many songs tt i did not try b4. u know... saving the best for the last is not always the rite thing to do. i left many sammi's song at the back, but by the time, im already too sick to sing. in the end, ironically, did not sing many of sammi's song. we sang till the marginal utiltiy is zero or perhaps even negative. i almost fall asleep in the rm! hence, though the package was till 4am, we surrendered at 3am. phew ~ no more such stunts man.. all was quite well, until we went home and the idiotic boy did something tt pisses me off! or rather, it was something tt he DID NOT do tt made me so angry! urghh!!!! u better remb it and no more nxt time as u said it urself !!!
ok, lastly, should have blogged on this long time ago... anthony's solemnisation! wahahah.. held at marina mandarine hotel. it's really a grand hotel. i guess one of the grandest i went, if not the grandest~
with the groom
my dearest uni mates
the choco cake is simply yumilicious. melts in ur mouth! ask xh!!
han and me ~
jas and ah yan
ah yan and me

ok, i know im xtra.. trying to act like im holding on to some plaque
the interior of the hotel

and finally, with the bride and bridegroom.
congrats anthony! ur starting the nxt phase of ur life. all the very best!!!!!
and so... who's next??? mm.. and i tot we juz went for each other's 21st bday party not too long ago~~~

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