Sunday, July 20, 2008


as of previous post, on wed, i raised the concerns i had with the 2 superiors. basically, i felt tt my ability and effort werent accurately reflected by the productivity reports. long story, but after the talk, there were some changes made. though it's still not totally fair, but at least, it's fair-er. or rather, i hope it's fair-er. anyway, shall c how it goes. and of cuz, since the changes were being made, i must show some improvements. previously i can say it's not measured fairly, but now, i cant say tt much le. so... i hope i werent slapping my own mouth. but then again, if the result is not gd cuz i really did not perform well, then i got nothing to say. but if the result is not gd cuz of the flaw in the assessment system, then i really cannot diam diam and let it be. it's only right to voice out if it bothers me so much, right? anyway, i have confi in myself. i really think i can perform if it's not due to tt flaw in the system. yup. jiayou.
on the night tt same day, went durian session with my colleagues. though durian is not gd for me and i really shouldnt be touching any, but... it's the durian season lei..... how not to miss? and so, we went for dinner then durian. lol~ think my dept is lacking in this kind of bonding session. been there for almost a yr le, but i remb only one time whereby an outing was organised. and, tt organiser had left the co le. so i guess, besides him, no one else will bother to organise anything for the whole dept to participate le. it's quite sad actually. i wonder if tt's the norm in companies. i tot it's usual for the whole dept to go for dinner, to go chill out, to r&r... so how come no such activities here? weird... but anyway, within the few of us, we kidda agree on once-a-mth outing after work. lol~ c how it goes ya.
on fri met up with dear jennifer. one of the very very few jc mates im still in contact with. must really put in effort to retain all these frens whom i've met in the diff phases of my life. they r pple who have grown up with me, who have known me for years... so.... cant let them go. :) coming sunday meeting another batch of jc mates. looking 4ward. last met them was last aug?? lol ~~~~
@ work, i think it's time to juz keep quiet and work. i think recently, i've been talking too much and making too much comments le. really shouldnt be tt way. afterall, u don knw if wad u say is going to affect anyone, so i tink, i better diam diam and juz listen and not comment.

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