Thursday, July 7, 2022

 You know how sometimes we r just so fixated on the problem, that we totally lost sight of the possible solutions???

Remember how I was so proud of myself of coming up with the lunch boxes idea?

Very convenient, really. One person one box, open and can eat liao.

But what I didn't realise (but eventually did) was that washing the plastic and glass ware, can be quite headache also!

And not to mention the lids, forks and spoons etc.

It is very difficult to wash off the oil, and more often than not, need to wash 2 to 3x per piece.

So it was very time consuming and frustrating to keep having to wash these things......

So I contemplated getting a dishwasher. But the idea was brushed off, cuz the one I had in mind, was quite small and I don't think it will be very useful.

Until recently, a friend who started using dishwasher told me how good fantastic it is to have one. 

So, this time round, I'm all set to purchase one. And not the small one, but really the full size kind.

And we even had someone come to our house to see how much it will cost, to build a base curb and piping for the washer.

All in, together with the washer, it will be about $1.3K ($700 for the machine, $300 for the curb, $300 for the piping etc). 

$1.3K to save me time and frustration, why not?

But then again, what was the problem in the first place? Difficult to wash the oily containers right?

So, wouldn't it be a more straightforward and simpler solution to just change the containers??

I read online that plastics are difficult to wash, cuz they attract oil.

So, why not change to metal containers?

Or better still, disposable containers or styrofoam food boxes. 很不环保, yes, thats my only concern. But, imagine if we did not have mil to cook for us, we would have tabao from outside, in the end, we will still be using the disposables isint it??

Oh, and cost of the disposables was also a concern, cuz not cheap to keep eat and throw, eat and throw..

But tmd.. What is this eat and throw cost vs a $1.3K upfront that we are talking abt???

$1.3k I think I can buy disposables good for 3yrs liao.

So, u see what I mean? 

I also don't know why I was so fixated on the dishwasher, when there are actually other simpler/cheaper solutions. 

And, I just found a hack online on how to wash oily containers easily.

Tried ytd, and it works!! 

Shall try again today and see if it works. 

If yes, then I don't even need to change containers liao!! 


Ya.. So... Sometimes, really need to just take a step back and think again. 

What exactly is the base problem? 

Don't 死脑筋, die die only one solution. 

Lesson learnt.

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