Friday, July 15, 2022

Finally went for a swim today!!!! 

Long time since I last had a good swim.

Ever since rayous started pri school, we have been waking up super early (like it or not!). So my exercise routine has also changed from lunch time, to the early morning. Haha.

But so early in the morning... The water is damn cold.. So I don't swim liao....

Today finally got the chance to swim in the afternn again!


Yay, my exercise routine really all conk up liao.

What with the wisdom tooth extraction la, then go cruise la, then one by one kenna covid la, then went back office la....

All thwarted my exercise routine!!!

And ya, for wks that I have to wio, practically cannot exercise at all.


Yet to sign back the gym, cuz really not worthwhile leh.

Now we only go back ofc alternate wks. So if I go to the gym 3x per wk, total is only 6x a mth. The gym membership fee is $162 per mth. So effectively, if I only go 6x per mth, it will be $27 per entry!

Damn bo hua leh.

Unless I volunteer myself to go back office more often. Whaahahahahhahaa. 

So ya.... That's the reason why I have been procrastinating for so long and never sign back, despite them keep jioing me.


Nvm la, shall c how it goes.

Anyways, I have been doing the household chores.

Perhaps that can made up for the days i missed when I wio.


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