Monday, July 25, 2022

 Ha, fruitful wkend! 

Early in the morning on Sat... Kpo and participated in this national day video making for the estate.. 

Apparently will be featured on 9aug channel 8 morning and afternoon news hor. Catch me!! 


After that went bf at Hillion mall, and came across this food panda event.. 

Like a mini carnival, got stations to play and win merch

Our attempts to be a panda rider! Haha! 

And quiz time for rayous who won us a $20 GV voucher! 

Very happy with the free candy floss and popcorns. Lol

Not bad, got back many freebies. Whee

Actually we wanted to go to the pasar malam, ended up spending time at the food panda event. But not bad la, quite fun. 

And our super large cup of bbt.

And then went home to nap, before attending a simple wedding dinner at peach Garden at Thomson plaza. 

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