Saturday, March 26, 2022

WoodLanDs WaTerFronT

Woah. Exploring a new place! Lol

Thanks to hubb for introducing this place to us. 

Very nice place! 有台北渔人码头的feel!!! Really!! 

And 彼岸就是JB! 

And had dinner at the halal restaurant RaSa Istimewa there. 

Yes, hubb has been bringing us to secluded places to eat cuz its really a nightmare to dine out at the malls during wkends. 

Night time cannot see the scenery, but day time should be very nice, cuz surrounded by the sea. 

Literally eating seafood by the seaside! Shiok. 

Thought such places will only appear in East Coast.. Din know woodlands also has such a gem.

Yet another place to add to our collections.


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