Sunday, January 17, 2021

Ah. Super big prawns!! 

Proud buy from sheng shiong. 5 pieces for about $17. Woahhh. 

And... Dining out on wkends is a nightmare these days. Actually, all along it has been nightmare. Just din know.... IT IS STILL AS HORRENDOUS! 

Queuing at imm swensens... To get a q number only! 

Not q to get into the restaurant hor. Is q to get a q number only hor. Wat fuk? 

And nowadays, most restaurants don't encourage queuing liao. Just take a q number, or put ur number on the waiting list, and then get lost. Don't q at the restaurant. 

And those that still allow queuing, had damnnnnn lonnnng q. 

And every restaurant that we left our number, told us it will be at least a 45min to 1hr wait. 

Wat fuk again? 

Damn sian u know. Lucky we ate something before hand. Imagine all hungry and still gotta wait so damn hell long. 

And in the end, after waiting and waiting.. 
No one called.

So we decided to q at ajisan, where the q seemed more reasonable (it was getting late anyway). 

And finally.... Some food for us!!! 

And miraculously, after ordering the food, all the restaurants started calling. 

Really......... Wtf. 

Yes, at about 830pm, all called to say they got place liao. 

So, conclusion, if we were to dine out, either eat super early like 5ish... Or to eat super late at 8ish.. Or make sure to make a reservation.. 

Else.. Just eat at home liao then go out!!

Really 吃一顿饭都这么难!

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