Tuesday, January 4, 2022

RaYous's 1sT DaY of SchOoL


Rayous's first day in primary school!! 


Ha. This little boy. 

So now, we have to adjust our timing liao.... Really need to make an effort to 早睡早起了。。。。really don't know how to cope when I need to go back to office to work.... Must be mad mad rush again. Scaryyy. 

Till then, enjoy while we still can. 

So good thing now is, the 2 boys schools are nearer to our house now. No need to waste time on travelling le. 


And that's also the main reason why we chose this school. Really very near.

Actually the choice was only between this school and another school. There is a 3rd school, v popular, and we are more than 1km away, so don't bother to apply. 

And between this school and that school, that school is a Christian school, and much further away. 

So the end choice was... This current school! 

Hiak hiak. Hope it's a good choice. 


And, parents are invited to the school for a virtual orientation. So we are all seated in a classroom to live view our children taking their recess time. 

And after that, we parents had to do a self introduction. 

Diao..dont know is his first day in school or my first day in school! 


Not bad, can see him buying his own food. Appeared to be coping well. 

Hao la, jiayou la. 

Chill pill and don't be a kiasu parent OK!!!! 

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