Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Went back to office ytd after a good half year since May.. 

And went back to... Upgrade to a laptop!!! 

Spent half a day there for the upgrade, and.... It's all worth it!! 

 The laptop is really super fast lor. Unlike my good old desktop which took forever to load..... This laptop, everything loaded properly in the blink of an eye! 

What have I been missing out this whole 1.5yrs xia!

And, no need to worry abt small screen and small keypad.... 

Can always project it to a big monitor and normal keyboard!! 

Nothing compromised and can enjoy the higher speed!! 

So looking forward to work now.


And hopefully, it will be another half Yr before I need to step into office again. 

Or better still, no need to go back office anymore. 

Wfh permanently.


Oh oh, and I managed to retrieve my ah huat coffee satchets that I left in office since May!! Remb I was quite sore abt it? Haven't expire, still can drink!! 


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