Friday, May 14, 2021

Wow, I don't know how to start this post...

Should it be a happy mode? Sad mode? Anxious mode? Or sianz mode??

Happy - cuz........ Reverted to wfh!!!!

Oh yayyyyyy!!!

Happy xia!! I think we really joke of the day.. Went back only 1wk and 退堂鼓liao!


Wasted all effort to go back xia. 

我都说是waste time 了吗。。。

Sian... Left a few packets of my ah huat white coffee in office.. Now cannot retrieve back liao. Sigh...

 OK, happy aside, abit sian also..Cannot dine out liao.. And all activities capped at 2pax?? Effectively means we cannot go out as a family liao lor.

Wah. Stuck at home... Sianx max.

And the most sianx thing, will be to go out to buy grocery!!! Omg. Battle grounds!!! 

Go out tabao food also very sianz... 


Wonder why the sudden spike in cases again, after sooo many mths of peacefulness.. 

Looks like this thing really 没完没了。。。。

How ahh.

Stay safe ah everyone!! 

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