Sunday, November 14, 2021

CabLe CaR/SenToSa/RWS


Went cable car and sentosa/rws again!!! 


Ny eve we went, April didi bday we went, sept my bday we went, and now again! 

可见really nowhere to go liao xia. 

Either rws/sentosa/cable car, or gardens by the bay, or zoo/birdpark/River safari..... 

Really that's about it. 


But still beats staying at home and nua, I guess.. 

Cable car ride was quite nightmarish. Long q!! 

Initially we tot four of us can go into the cabin together, who knows, is still 2 by 2! 

Fnb also allowed up to 5 from the same household liao, why this one cannot ne? 

No wonder the long q!!

My Didi and i on one cabin.... 

And rayous and daddy on the other... 

After that supposed to take the mount faber line cable car... But the q was so horrendous, that we gave up. 

In the end took the bus and went to rws.. 

Finally get to visit the candilicious which was closed on our previous visits.. 


The fnb, all long q again!! 

Very different from weekdays where it is almost a ghost town... 


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