Friday, September 10, 2021

TTT - TraCe ToGeTheR ToKeNs

 Finally collected our trace together tokens! 


Super lagging! 

Actually no intention to collect de la, until we realised my phone somehow cannot just tap and go. Don't know why..

Then everytime have to on Bluetooth, open the app, look for the qr code poster, scan the qr code, before can enter.... 


While all the rest of the people just tap and go.... 

Then u r like blocking everyone when ur struggling to open the app and scan code. Ha. 

Then this token can also act as a standby lor, in case phone out of batt or suddenly kee qia... Like ytd, don't know why suddenly hanged for a while, when I was trying to open the app... 

Anyways, for pple like me who doesn't really take a bag or takes small bag, this token can be a hassle... Don't know where to put xia. In the pocket, scare dropped out. Think I better hang it on my neck. 

That is, if I even remember to bring it out! 


And the new cases soaring high every day. Ytd was 457. 

Is this number out of control? 

Or still under control? 

Quite scary when u don't know what ur garment is thinking.... 


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