Friday, September 24, 2021

DaY 5 oF BloCk LeaVe


Technically last day of my 5days block leave.

Pak tor with hubb!!! 

Early lunch at this pancake shop - Flipper's - in taka

Very very nice pancakes i must say.. Both the sweet and savoury. Yummx. 

Then went temple pray, before going to suntec to catch the movie - Shang Chi.

Not bad a movie, but... can really do better if they cast a better looking male lead.. Lol

After that went for massage, before picking the boys again.

If everyday can be a holiday like this.


And, ytd just said don't know when can loosen the restrictions... Then today... News of tightening again!!!!

Back to 2pax dining wef coming Monday. 


走走停停,停停走走。。 。

Really don't know what to say anymore....


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