Monday, September 6, 2021


Tot I will be celebrating my vaccination status at some atas posh restaurant.... 

Ended up at..... 



Seeeee?? I'm fully vaxxed hor! Got sticker to prove! 

Never been so proud before.....Lollll! 

Actually mac is really rubbish food and should not be encouraged... High in calorie and near zero nutrition... One meal easily 1000kcal OK! That's no joke. 

But.... I did mention before that the prosperity burger is a must every yr right.. 

And now that they came up with this pepper beef burger which is similar (but much smaller in size) to prosperity burger, how to reject u tell me...  

And we were quite hungry liao, and the outlet happened to be just next to the shop that we were in... 

And so, tada!!! 


Full of excuses. 


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