Wednesday, May 19, 2021

RaSa SenToSa DaY 3 - 1 MaY 2021

Day 3 of our staycay at rasa sentosa! 

Heng pot for us ah.. Cuz after that got cfmed covid19 case at the hotel.. 

Some photo takings before checking out 

After that, took the tram ride again, had lunch, and home sweet home. 

Overall not bad. I think the buffet bf very nice. 
Many facilities for the kids and we missed out on using their indoor playground and art n craft session.

But abit crowded la. Esp the pool, compared to the past pools we went to which were almost empty.

Yup, next staycay will be during Rayous's bday..

Hopefully the covid19 situation wb better by then. 

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