Monday, May 3, 2021


Still can't believe I'm back to office... 

Wow.... Stunned for awhile, don't know where to start packing.. 

My jacket.... And my hair.. Still on my jacket...From 1yr ago.... Wow.  

And bottled water..also from 1yr ago.. 

And why is there water in my cup??? Thought I did pour all away before I left?? Omg max. Lucky no mould inside. 

One whole bag of rubbish.... 

Including my seat mat and pillow... Got to go too.. Sighh. 

Yup. Back to office, at least still got pple offer to tabao teabreak. Hehhehee. 

 OK la. Actually not that bad la. Except for the part on having to wake up early.. 

And using someone else comp now.. Not used to the settings.. Slowing me down xia. 

And.. Now.. When the whole world seemed to be reverting to wfh.... We r back to office...

What irony! 


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