Saturday, May 29, 2021

Self-InFliCteD CB ThuS FaR

ahhhh... 我们自找的 CB..........!!!!

really could have just continue to send the boys to school and BAU.... 

but really abit scare too... esp so when westgate and jem had to shut too. so jurong area really not too safe huh... 

and just when we tot the situation is's cases seemed to be on the rise again.

but our 'CB' experience this yr is better than last yr la. 

guess cuz both boys are older and more independent, and my workload has not been as madness as last yr, so still not so bad having to work and take care of them at the same time.  

so, morning, no need to wake up so early liao. 

in the past, only need to make bf for myself.... now, have to make for all 4 of us! workload x 4 lor. damn

then let them watch tv for an hr.... toxic!!

but unlike last yr, this time, i exercise strict control over screen time liao. 1hr means 1hr (or lesser). after that will be play time! 

look at the sweat! ha

and then lunch, and then tv again, then play again, then napped, then tv again, then dinner, before play and/or homework! 

yes! i make sure we dont waste time at home and they continue to learn at  home (unlike last yr!!!!)

last yr havent got hooked on to shopee, so din know can also buy assessment books online. this time round smart liao! faster buy more and let them do more! 


and the school also sent in material for us to do with them...

according to the school, the attendance is about 50%. so 50% of the kids are still going to the school. honestly, i bet the school must be most happy about it. continue to collect school fees but no need to cater to as many children. duh.

should really consider sending them back to school asap!

these 2 boys ahh....

but the most sian part out of all these, is really the increasing expenses in food and the junk food that we've been eating!! 

daily spend on average is about $25 - $35 on food delivery lor. 

honestly, i think the prices at the delivery platforms are marked up de. if you buy yourself at the stall, it will be cheaper. for eg, nine fresh bbt, if you buy at the shop, is $2.60. but if you order online, it's $3.30. that's almost a 30% mark-up! 

so, delivery really quite exp de. one noodle easily $5.90, or chix rice $5.50 these kind of price... 

so... everyday order delivery, even only for 1 meal only, is quite chor. 

but no choice lor, cuz like i say, if we cook ourselves, also need to buy the ingredients and 煮来煮去, same old stuff, also 不行 right... 

yay, so, just hope the situation can stabilise soon and the boys can return back to school. 

then 天下太平了....


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