Friday, April 30, 2021

Rasa SenToSa DaY 1

Staycay at rasa sentosa to celeb Raythorous's bday! 


Invited fil and mil to come along. Lunched at vivo soup restaurant first. 

Before checking in to our room.. The checking in process took damn super long lor. Duh. 


After that, was to the beach! Got timing one OK, have to book your own time slot.. 

Honestly, I think I have never brought the boys to the beach before. 

Cuz it's really a messy affair!!!! 

Sun, beach, and sand.... Looks good on the surface only. 

实际上是damn messy xia. The sand sticking on to the wet body, 怎样洗都洗不掉。。。damn irritating...!

And it dirties everywhere u go if u don't manage to clear the sand properly.... 

Saw some parents letting really young children to play. 佩服them, can't understand how they can tahan the mess! Omg. Though it's really good sensory experience for the kids. 

These 2 boys sure had great fun. 


After that went back washed up, cut cake, before dinner at rws Central hk restaurant. 


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