Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Another proud invention!

Yaaaa... In celeb of the Earth Day, the school requested that we use recycled material to DIY games... 


Dice, tokens, all DIY one OK! 

Basically toss the color dice and see which color got tossed out. Then have to throw the token into the corresponding color hole. And though some of the holes may be of the same color, they bear different points. So the objective is to toss into the right color hole with the highest point. Continue tossing and the points are accumulated. Lost Yr turn then u toss into the wrong color hole.


All original idea OK!! Can learn colors and maths at the same time! 

And this is hubb's creation.. 

Simpler, just aim into the hole and earn the points indicated for that hole. Lol

 Proud of ourselves xia!!

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