Sunday, June 14, 2020

MoVinG HouSe - EpisoDe One - OuR Old FlaT

alright... time to blog about our end-to-end moving experience. 

to be honest, i was never involved in the balloting of our 1st flat - our dear old BTO at Boon Lay Avenue.

that time we were still unmarried and balloting for a new flat was almost an 'mission impossible' becuz new launches were really limited back then, and sooo many pple balloting for them. so, u really gotta be super lucky in order to be able to get a number to participate in the ballot.

but, i always knew one thing from the start (all thanks to an old colleague who shared that advice with me) - and that is, to live near to the future caregiver of your child(ren) and that person is none other than my dear MIL. so, living in the west, is unavoidable.

and so, when hubb told me that there was this launch in boonlay, he happily said to apply. honestly i was super chill about it, cuz likely we wont be able to get it. but since he so enthu wanted to try, i just let him lor. there was no discussion on what kind of flat we want, 3rm 4rm or 5rm or location or whatsoever. 

and in the end, we really managed to get a place in the ballot. and to be honest again, i did not participate in the choosing of the unit.  i only wanted to be in high level. that's all. 

hubb practically made all the decisions and i just followed along. and that was how we ended up on the 15th floor of a new BTO flat in Boon Lay


and cuz i was never involved in the choosing of the location and unit right, so, it's always easy to find faults with the decisions that are not made by you. 

and so, i was nagging and nagging and nagging at hubb all the while we were there. 


ok la, actually the flat was not bad la, afterall, it was our 1st and new home right. 

just that, the environment there is a little bit 杂... we and another development were the only new BTOs amid the rest of the very very old flats. so those very old flats really abit 杂.... 

then, it's quite far away from the nearest market.. approx 15mins walk? no bus to take also, can only walk or drive. inconvenient. and worse if i were to compare it to the convenience in living in telok blangah... urgh! 

and then, it was really a very hot unit. weird, cuz when we 1st collected the keys and visited the unit, it was quite windy actually. but after reno and we really moved in, it became a hot unit. literally hot. i remb we had to on the aircon almost every weekends when we were at home. and it doesnt help when we did not install any ceiling fan back then. 

and then, i was always complaining to hubb why he did not take a 5rm unit. most of our peers took 5rms and really much bigger than a 4rms. and hubb's reasoning was that there were more 4rms units than 5rms unit at our development, so, there will be higher chance if we were to choose 4rm than 5rm. also, 4rms are cheaper and will get paid off faster than a 5rm. since it's our 1st house and started off with only 2 of us, we should not get an expensive flat and get ourselves tied down. 


full of 大道理s. and i just LL lor. and who knows... he's not totally wrong with the decision....

to be continued......

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