Thursday, June 4, 2020

Am I sooo pretty and outstanding that pple get jealous and just want to sabo me??

Or am I just downright disgusting and 惹人厌that I'm always a target for pple to attack??

What have I done wrong? Why pple always want to attack me????? 

Only 赚口饭吃,why always kenna shooting???

Been trying my best to do my things properly, don't go and kaypo and chap siao pple stuff, ownself take care ownself.

But now what again???

Do they really hate me so much? Yes, I guess so. I hate my own guts too.

Super 委屈。哑巴吃黄连,有苦自己知。



What goes round comes round. 


And to 苦中做乐 and to put on positive thinking, I should be honoured that the whole world is busy becuz of me. 


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