Saturday, May 16, 2020


1june coming.......... 

supposed end day of CB period.

well, if you realised, i havent been complaining much about this CB period..

cuz in fact, im quite enjoying it! 


can sleep late, no need to wake up early, no need to mad rush, can be with the children more often.......

why not??

kind of getting used to this kind of lifestyle liaooz... 

if resume normal, dont know can take it or not. 


like every day i will ask rayous '今天开心吗'. and his reply will always be '开心呀,因为mummy在家'......


yeahh mann.. 

i guess it will be super sian if everything were to resume. 

and actually, we should treasure this period. 

honestly, i mean, not that we want this to happen, but how often can we experience this kind of 'phenomenon'?? 

empty streets, empty hawker centres, empty shopping malls, everyone wearing masks, most working from home, schools closed for the longest time...... 


and it also only shows 1 thing. nothing is impossible.

just like before things got so bad, a colleague was saying that when we go coffeeshop, we are expected to stay 1m away from each other. how is that possible???! 

but now, look. happened. 

and, work from home with the whole damn desktop shifted home.. how is that possible?

but now, look. happened.

so, really, nothing is impossible. 

and guys, cherish this while it lasts. of cuz, not that i hope that this virus thing will last, but u guys know what i mean. 

very soon, things will resume and life will be back to normal and u guys will start missing this period again. 

ok, dont know abt u guys, but i sure will miss this period. 


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