Monday, May 18, 2020

SteAmBoaT @ HoMe

oh yeah.

if u know me well, u should know steamboat is one of my favvvvvve. 

every once in a while, i will need to have a steamboat fix. 

so during this whole CB thingie, the most upsetting thing is.... no more steamboat!! 

no more bbt still can switch to other drinks... 

but no more steamboat, means no more steamboat la, what substitute can there be???

i was totally missing my hai xian lao... beauty in the pot etc etc.... 

until jasmine suddenly texted us to say that the delivery from BITP is really good.

uh-huh, so can order steamboat delivery! 

but then i realised that despite loving steamboat, i dont even have a steamboat pot at home! 

like seriously?!

yes, seriously. i have always contemplated buying a steamboat pot, but in the end did not, cuz steamboat at home is such a hassle la. and so many things to buy and have to clean up like mad shit. pls just go to a restaurant and eat la! 

so, again, all thanks to this COVID19, another great buy from qoo10!! 


testing it out... works wor! 

very happy xia. LOL 

but then after checking out the various steamboat delivery prices, i realised that it's really not worth it. i honestly think that i can buy the same kind of liao at the supermarket with a much lower price. 

yep. and so, did my own shopping and tada!

our virgin steamboat session at home!!! 

not too bad right??? 


ok la, to be fair, the soup really cannot be compared to the restaurants' la. really missing the BITP collagen and mala soup... OMG! 

but ok la, still managed to satiate the craving la. 


and i complained to the seller on some small little defects on the pot. and after my persistence, the seller decided to refund me 50% to shut me up. 

LOL. 50% leh!! alot leh!

yup, good buy, great buy! 

although i smell bad now. and probably will die of thirst later. 

but once in a while is fine la huh. 


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