Saturday, May 23, 2020

SteAmBoaT..... AgaiN!!

oh yeah.. 

since we had abit of leftovers from the last steamboat session, the only right thing to do, is to have another steamboat session to finish the leftovers ya!! 

and so, yes! our 2nd steamboat @ home! 

this time 'more prepared' than the previous time liao. previous time abit galan gabok... 

this time round, even bought the '炸响铃'! wooah! was actively searching for the mala haidilao paste, but all sold out. lucky still managed to get this. haha

this time everything prepare nicely before we start. and yes, soft drinks ready!!!

yayyy! very happy!! yummmz

and really quite happy and amazed with this 不粘锅.. really 不粘 leh! impressive!

and yes, this cb period.... really putting on weight. the weight lost from going to the gym, apparently slowly creeping back liao. 



time to really do something abt it again!! 



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