Thursday, March 22, 2018

yes, my dear maid left. 

not left my household, but left sg and back to her home country.  

yes, we repatriated her. 

sent her back to the agency on 14 march and she was repatriated on the 19 march. hopefully the agency really did send her back and not let her be a transfer maid. 

actually, all along, i already dont quite like her.

in fact, the first sight at her, i already dont quite like. i interviewed her via webcam, and saw her photo on the bio-data. but somehow, when she appeared 'live' in front of me, the 'feel' is different. 

anyway, i also cannot explain why i dont like her. it could be the many many small small incidents that caused the hard feeling.. 

things like.. 

1) crying in my household when i was still doing my confinement becuz somehow, she had a misunderstanding w the confinement nanny. kaoz, i was already super troubled back then, and these 2 ladies, who are supposed to come relieve my load, came to give me problems instead! that i was quite pissed 

2) wearing ring and necklace without seeking approval. ok, u may think it's no big deal, but i dont like it. 

3) there was one day when i was sick and i locked myself in the room whole day w raythorous. she did not even bother to knock and find out if im ok.... probably if i had died in the room, she also wont know. see, this kind of helper...

4) there were several times when i fell sick and coughed like mad shit. again, not even a word of concern from her..

5) and many a times, i felt that she was the one who passed the cough virus to me.. 

6) there was also one time (during confinement) when she saw me packing in the room, but again, she did not offer any help. some kind of helper seriously... 

7) then there was one time i asked her to help me sew something at night. after that, she just passed me the completed work and went to sleep, without even asking if im satisfied with her work or still need more alterations..

and there were many many many other incidents also...

oh, and she always has this black face. 看了就讨厌. and she likes to walk very far behind us. if u are an outsider looking at us, u probably thought we were strangers. 

anyway, i can tell u, when im at home, i dont really talk to her. during that 4mths maternity, besides giving instructions, there is no conversation b/w us. slowly, things worsen, and the mere sight of her also irks me. so, naturally, every thing she does, i also 看不爽. if she does a little wrong, i will flare at her. 

it really was a very unhealthy relationship. i dont allow her to touch the boys unless absolutely necessary. things like wiping the milk bottles dry, i also dont like her to do it. sometimes, i also dont know y i still hire her, when i still need to do so many things myself.

then i found her dodgy and not forthcoming. also never really listen to what we say. told her if she brings anything back home, she has to inform us. kenna caught never tell us. also told her if she damages anything, she will have to tell us immediately. again, still never tell us immediately. 

i totallyyyyy dislike her.

there were many times when we wanted to send her off already. but due to the money and hassle involved, i 忍, despite knowing that this is really very unhealthy. 

the last straw came when she again spoilt something and did not tell me immediately.  and always finding excuses to cheat her way out. so, gave her one good thrashing again. the next day, she did something wrong again. so i got pissed and i asked her if she still wanna work here or not, and if she wants, pls do things properly. in the past, she will just keep quiet and say she wants to continue working. but this time round, she said she wants to work, but if im not happy, then send her back to agency. 


ok, great. so, i told her to pack and go. then she told me she still got stuff at my MIL's place. fine, after she packed, we went there to collect. wah, then saw she bought make-up la, nice nice slipper la, all hide at MIL's place, never bring home. 

and the ultimate came.

i saw 4d betting forms, nicely completed. she said she wrote for fun only. and it was not until i saw the 4d slips, that she finally admitted she asked my MIL to help her buy 4d!!

what nerve! 

a freaking maid asking the mdm's MIL to help her buy 4d! 

and all the while, i was kept in the dark!! 

i tell u, i almost shred her apart! 

if she had been honest and upfront and told me all these, i would be ok. but she chose to hide and kept me in the dark. and when kenna caught liao, she still dared to lie. 


freaky right??

really a relieve to have sent her off. no more eyesore!! and after she left, we saw a notebook and she wrote a long message inside. got an indon fren to translate and apparently, she wrote that im the worst employer she had... 

wah kaoz. 

din know she was soo unhappy w me. every time ask her if she's happy, she said she is. asked her if got anything want to say or voice out, she said dont have. in the end wrote so many things, say i rude to her, say i picked on her etc etc etc... 

really horrrrr.. 

lucky sent her off liao, else dont know what she'll do to us.


anyway, after she ciaoz, all household chores are back to us. after this trauma, i really had qualms hiring maids again. i really contemplated the possibility of not having one. but,  it's really not easy, with 2 kids around. can is can, but u must have a super zai and steady husband who is willing to help out enough... which i dont unfortunately..

so, much of my time was spent in the kitchen, washing the bottles, washing the plates, hanging the clothes...etc etc. 

there was 1 night when i waited for rayous to fall asleep, before i  sneaked out and went to wash the bottles. who knows after a while, there were footsteps running. and so, in his pj, carrying his pillow and sucking his tutu, this rayous said he wants me to sleep w him.


so, because i had to do all these chores, i delayed my child's sleeping time. and because i had to do all these chores, i couldnt spend more time w my children. honestly, my time can be better spent than stuck in the kitchen doing all these labour work. 

yes, we need a maid. i want my time to be spend on quality stuff, not all these manual stuff. 

and so, we hired again. used a different agency. transfer maid, interviewed her face to face. younger, taller, plumper and fairer. apparently tmr shld be able to collect her liao. 

ok, abit of a rush in hiring her, i admit. but we did went/phoned a few agencies, but no suitable ones. so, just take this one lor. 

wish me good luck ok. 

i guess i need to control myself  and manage my own expectations first la. 

1) dont expect them to be honest and forthcoming. just like how u will not be honest and forthcoming w ur boss. 
2) allow pple to slack la, so long it's not too overboard. just like how u will slack at work also right.. 
3) if things are not properly done, say upfront. dont expect them to be zi dong, becuz if they are so smart and zi dong, they dont need to be maids already.
4) be firm, but nice ok. dont flare at pple again okkkkk...
5) be patient patient patient.....x 150
6) expect things to be done 70 to 80% only. there is no 100%. so longs things are moving, be it. dont have to drill to the nitty gritty. 

ok. really wish me good luck ok. 

im really traumatised by the 1st experience. never did i expect it to end this way. plsss, pray for me that this one will be good.... 

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