Monday, March 12, 2018


大年初九 was a celebration at my place w the 2 families. 

and hubb somehow got 兴起, and wanted to engage lion dance to huat huat the house. ha. 

waiting for the troupe to arrive.... 

here they are!

huat ahhh! 

and huat cai yeh is here too! 


catered food that day, but the feedback this time round wasnt so good. maybe cuz no warmers, so the food were cold and not as nice ba. 

and yusheng were DIY!!! this brand of pre-packed yusheng-sides is good, cuz comes with the big plate to serve the yusheng. 

and the carrot, radish and cucumber were all shred by me one ok!! really DIY! salmon were bought from ichiban sushi. overall, the price almost the same as outside, but DIY cfmed got more fish slices! 

my 4th yusheng for the yr!

huaaaaaaat ahhhhhhh!!!!!!

honestly, the DIY yusheng quite yummy leh!!!! LOL 

ok, happy new year once again!!!!

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