Wednesday, March 21, 2018


my maid is gone (really want to blog about it, but no time yet.. ). 

didi is down w fake measles (and hopefully not something more serious than that..) poor little face and body covered with rash and he's cranky and sticky.. 

actually rayous fell sick first.. cough, runny nose, fever. then passed to didi who developed into fake measles. then just now in the middle of the night, rayous ran into high temperature again. lucky now came down liao...

and no maid to do all the household chores... 


why like that.... 

children falling sick really super sian. 传来传去,几时才会好?? rayous passed to didi, then recovered. now apparently, didi passed back to rayous again... 


this really deters me from having more children... 

really need to pass this stage once and for all.

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