Sunday, October 29, 2017

WeaNinG TimE and SuBaRu ChalleNge 2017


im 6months old liao!!!! 

mummy said i can start on some other food liao.. yay!!! what's in store for me??? 

tada! baby cereal mix w mummy's milk! same as kor kor when he started weaning! 

let me tryyy....

uhhhhh umm

ok..... i think raythorous performed worse off than rayous..

he kind of choke upon the 1st mouth and did not really know how to swallow. i think he did not like the taste of it, cuz after that, he kept pushing away. haaa

yay, it wasnt as smooth as the time i started w rayous. raythorous really did not like it... quite a battle having to make him finish the bowl of cereal. much to my disappointment, really. cuz so far, i feel raythorous has been easier to handle than rayous. so i was expecting him to chomp his way away... who knows.... he really did not like it! we almost literally forced it down his throat!! oops.

yeah, slowly la huh. maybe he did not like the taste of this cereal. shall try the banana flavor next time. keke. just hope he wont give MIL a difficult time. 

ahhh, the annual subaru challenge!

yeah, almost every yr (2016, 2014, 2010) we will go n kpo.. 

this yr, we even brough the folks along. hahahaaa.. 

good luck to the contestants. so far only passed 30+ hrs nia. still got looong looong loooooong time to go... 

cant imagine, while we are doing sooo many other things here, they are still standing their way there.. 


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