Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Just had this damn freaking spicy Korean noodle.

It's really ultra spicy. The counter staff already warned me, but I still went ahead. Ate only 1 mouth and I decided I cannot take it anymore. Then asked for plain water so that I can wash away the soup. Washed liao, ate a few more mouth, and who knows, the spiciness just got worse. 

Really burning sensation in the tongue n lips. Until I cannot eat any other things. Until I wanna cry. Literally! 

In the end cannot finish, waste money. But really don't 勉强.. think will get sick if finish the whole bowl.

I think it's the most spicy stuff I have eaten in my life thus far!

It's this jinjja chicken restaurant at clementi mall.

Try if ur game enough.

At ur own risk.

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