Tuesday, October 3, 2017


finally a day at home without the kids, without the helper. 

just me, myself and i!!! 

home alone!! 


took half day leave yesterday to accompany the big boy to make mooncake at school. since not many cases at work, might as well take today leave as well. 

and yay! 

here im, enjoying my fave swee heng banana cake w nutella, milo, listening to radio, blowing the fan, and blogging! 

pure luxury! 

cannot tell u how freaking tired im. 

and it's really been mad rush these days. been trying vvvv hard to make ends meet... with my milk!! 

yeah, there's just 1 last packet of frozen milk left and im trying vvvvvv hard not to also finish that off. so, now it's really pump and drink, pump and drink. i have to make sure i deliver the milk to MIL's place before the boy gets hungry! so, it's really mad rush everyday! 

and not to talk about the rush at work too. sooo darn many cases... grr. 

i really got to learn to take it easy. 

else, it's only a matter of time, before i 血压高 and 爆血管.

lucky yesterday after moon-cake making, still can go massage and catch a movie. chillax abit. 

ok, going to enjoy my day off liao! 


really v happy. 


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