Wednesday, June 1, 2016

WinDow Grilles

ha, life before having a kid vs life after.. 

window grilles - for one - were specially installed because of rayous. for obvious reasons lah huh. 

before....... 超级无敌海景 (in my illusion) 

and now.. grilles fixed!

before.... 边跑步边看山望海  

now.. machine kept and grilles fixed

and of cuz, master room was not spared either. 


 total cost $810, including the grilles for the service yard.

ok lah, not as ugly as i expected it to be lah. in fact, i thought the living room somehow looks better now, with the grilles on. like more 'classy' feel. LOL!!! 

and not only that... almost every corner of the house has become rayous's territory. 

play yard here.... 

'training' ground on the whole corridor there

and pics of him all over... from full month... maybe can change the pics to first yr pics liao. hoho



but it's ok. most important is his safety. no way this can be compromised. 

well, at least the gym room is still quite empty... for now.... 


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