Friday, June 17, 2016

CatchinG Up With Ex-ColleGues

great catching up with some ex-colleagues over dinner ytd. know what? the last time we met was during my wedding day which is coming to 2yrs liao!! 

had the buffet at furama city centre. there's one-for-one promo for a number of credit cards. ended up nett is about $38/pax. but for $38, i also feel not v worth it. 

the prata is nice, but the curry very saltish. the puesdo sharksfin soup is crap. the porridge got a weird taste. the mutton was tough (at least for that 1 peice i ate). the sushi was hard. the egg pudding was not nice etiher. the salmon sashimi was ok, but they cut until sooo big pieces, that it feels eeeeek to eat raw meat in such big pieces. 

guess the only thing that was good was the prawns and some of the other desserts like the durian puree and chocolate fondue. 

i tried the buffet once before, dont recall it's as bad as now. boo. 

with my QAD. she's totally shrunk!! lose soo much weight lah!

while she lose weight, under my questioning, she commented that i did put on quite abit of weight post-birth. 

ahahahahahahah. coming from her must be quite accurate since she hasnt seen me for so long...... 

ultimate sad.



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