Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Leap Day 2016

it's leap day again! 

refer here for 4yrs ago de leap day. and refer here for 8yrs ago de leap day. wow. a good 8yrs had passed... just like that..... oooohhhhh

last leap day happened when i was 27... 27 to 31... honestly the 4-yr jump in age doesnt sound scary anymore. 

this 4-yr jump (2012 to 2016) is definitely much more happening and eventful than the last 4-yr jump (2008 to 2012). 

in these 4yrs, i became a wife to someone, and a mother to someone. these are definitely life-changing events! 

work wise, i was promoted and i changed dept. again, it was a change in dept, not a change in company. in these 4yrs, i can feel myself growing alot, especially at work. im no longer the greenhorn and innocent me. im no longer the passionate and bubbly and happy me. 

in these 4yrs, too many new (and evil) pple came into my working life, changing me and transforming me - for the worse. yes. for the worse. 

they made me think alot (and doubt alot) abt myself... 

the evil pple taught me how not to anyhow shoot my mouth off and be more wary and less trusting to the pple around. 

the lucky pple made me doubt myself... why am i still stuck at where im?

the lazy and shameless pple made me think why should i work so hard?

the poker faces made me.... just want to roll eyes and oh... pls stop the bullshit. 

yes.. these 4yrs.... i had a real good chance to shine and climb.. but i did not cherish it... now... too late to lament already. 机会是留给有准备的人。我没有。也没资格。

很多东西,很后悔。但也于事无补。 如果可以重来,我希望我没有换部门,也不要认识他们。

i think growing up is an amazing thing. and it's really through growing up, that u will know many of the things are in fact not correct... and if there's a chance to go back... u will definitely not go thru the same route again. 

ermm.. u get what i mean??

too bad i do not have a crystal ball... and the only way is to learn the hard way. 


anyway, next 4yrs... 31 to 35.. wooahh.. officially 步入中年... 期待,也希望会更好。

hopefully i wont be soo pessimistic about work anymore. haha.


side note to myself: just finished pumping and bathing.. now waiting for hair to dry... hubb talking about sia direct flight to amsterdam which will take 13hrs and whether i can take it or not..... rayous is at MIL's place.. kekeke

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