Thursday, March 24, 2016


ok, so it's all cast in stone. 

though was already given the heads-up way back in dec, i still did harbour the thought that maybe.... just maybe

but alas.. what naivety! 

do  still feel disappointed and now that the final final verdict is out, i felt...... betrayed. 

haha. ok, a little too harsh a word to use.. but like no other better word liao leh. or maybe, 'sacrificed'? like a tight slap in my face.... yet again. 

many ways for consolation. i guessed i had expected too much and been overly confident. and again, too naive. to even had believed what some crapper had said. 


ok, never mind. life goes on. i should learn to be contented. it's really very good already, premised on the soo many backgrounds. 

yah. ok. move on. 

just move on.

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