Saturday, March 26, 2016

Baby RaYous @ 8 MonThs

ahhh my little boy has his first little 2 tooth liao!!! hahahahah. now at 8mths, he can sit, stand while holding on to something, toss and turn, crawl. and he can have semi-solids like prorridge (teochew muay kind). and i also tried feeding him small pieces of corn flakes, biscuits and whats not, and he's ok too. LOL. oh oh, and he started babbling pa-pa and ma-ma liao!! woohoo!

but then, he's also been crankier and 'stickier' than ever! expects someone to stay close and be with him at all times! will start whining and cying once ur away from him. 

diaper changing is a battle. better get it done before he starts to turn and crawl away! always have to 'catch' him back for diaper changing and it's just so hard to make him lie down and not kick profusely. always need to distract him. so usually, will need 2 person during diaper changing - one person to change him, the other to distract him! ha. shall get those pull-ups diapers the next time round! 

feeding is also getting difficult. will want to move around, then the food will kenna his face and hands and then he will continue to touch other things and put other things in his mouth.. and so, in the end, u get food everywhere. uh-oh. and like diaper changing, also good to have 2 persons - one to feed him, the other to distract him!!

and when we are outside dining, he will not want to be in his pram anymore. when put him on baby chair, he wants to climb out! ahhhh! and he's starting to shriek in public.. ahh! 

and night time..... still cannot 一觉到天明. will still wakes up a couple of times at night. worse was almost every hour at night!! believe it or not. haiz. lucky got MIL to 'share' the night times with me. phew. 

and yes.. he wants to co-sleep with us. we will put him to sleep in his cot but 1-2hrs later, he will definitely stand on the cot and cry... and then once we carry him over to our bed, he will go back to sleep again. haiiiiz. 

i guess i had been indulging him in the sleeping part. shouldnt have let him got the habit to sleep with us. but how not to? just letting him latch-on in the middle of the night is soo much more convenient and easy than waking up to warm milk for him right? but as a result, it caused him to want to sleep with us and i suspected that is also the reason why he kept waking up. cuz once he whine a bit, i will offer to let him latch.. so it kind of became a habit to always want to latch every couple of hours?? aiyah.. i dont know lah.. 

i guess the only easier task is - bathing! cuz he can sit on the tub liao. so no need to support him. and usually he likes bathing, so he wont toss and turn. haha. 

anyway, there's something i believe when it comes to parenting. he will not sleep with us forever. he will not want our 24-hr company forever. he will not latch on me forever. one day, he will grow out of all these and not need them anymore. so...... why not jus embrace and enjoy it while we can now?

ahhhh. my naughty little boy =)

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